Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1
Life at Home Report is one of the biggest and most distinctive global researches that IKEA conducts every year in order to find out how people are feeling in their lives at home – and how we can help make it better. 

Last year, we surveyed over 37,000 people who live in different homes in as many as 40 countries, including 1007 Estonia’s residents.

60% in Estonia and 52% globally say that home is their favourite place to be.

19% in Estonia report that their home sets them up for success in life.

Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1
"The meaning of home differs from person to person and is deeply rooted in personal values, but the concept "my home is my castle" is shared by many people. Our home clearly affects both our general well-being and satisfaction with other fields of life."

Kristel Habicht-Spriit
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

In a chaotic world, home should be a place to unwind

We asked people in Estonia, what aspects would be the most important for them in an ideal home. For most of us it's being able to unwind (51%) and be our true selves (47%). Home should be the sanctuary where we can easily enjoy ourselves and step back from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.
"From time to time, everybody needs to be alone to listen to their inner voice and recharge batteries. A cosy home environment provides the opportunity to be in your bubble, where you can be yourself, unwind and relax, and establish a better connection with yourself."

Kristel Habicht-Spriit
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

What's good for our mental wellbeing?

These are the top three things at home that help us to maintain a sense of mental wellbeing:
  • Relaxation
  • Tidy home
  • Sleep
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

Wellbeing goes hand in hand with tidiness

Whilst keeping the home tidy is often seen as a chore, it does have its upsides. More than a third (38%) of us say that it adds up to the sense of mental wellbeing, while 38% agree that having a tidy, organised home helps us feel content and at ease. 
"Organising relaxes us mentally and is an important source of energy and inner strength. Order and cleanliness in the physical space and having a sense of control over a tidy home contributes to our general sense of well-being and satisfaction."

Kristel Habicht-Spriit
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

A good night’s rest

For 38% in Estonia, getting a good night’s sleep is a vital ingredient for a better life and mental wellbeing. Even more – 23% say that napping is one of the things that brings the most joy in their life at home. 
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

Better sleep is all about having the basics in place:

  • Right temperature (35%), which can be ensured by choosing the right duvet.
  • Darkness (26%), which can be created with darkening curtains.
  • Favourite pillow (23%), which is easy to find! Simply follow this guide.
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

Nature plays a powerful role

Every sixth person in Estonia name connecting with nature as a way to feel content and at ease. Luckily, everyone can have a green oasis at home, even without access to outdoor space.
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1
"To create a green oasis, start by selecting one large, dominant plant and complement it with several smaller ones. Arrange them at varying heights using a simple shelving unit or plant stand to create a vertical garden and save space. Additionally, consider placing a mirror on an opposite wall facing the oasis. This will enhance the sense of lush greenery within your home."

Pedro Castro
IKEA interior designer
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

Togetherness vs. privacy

We all need our own space, and we all need to spend time with our loved ones. However, this year’s research uncovered that only 43% in Estonia say that home provides enough privacy for everyone living in it. This is important to improve as the right amount of privacy is one of the key aspects for feeling content and at ease at home for 43% of us.
"Create your private corner right in the living room – it could be an armchair or a corner sofa with a footstool, a coffee table or a laptop stand for keeping a cup of hot drink and a candle close at hand. Among the simplest solutions to separate such space from the rest of the shared living room or bedroom are room dividers. They can help to create the feeling of a room within a room and provide some privacy. If the divider is well designed and made from natural materials, it can even give extra cosiness."

Pedro Castro
IKEA interior designer
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1

Some things are better left private

  • 27% sing or dance when no one is around.
  • 28% walk around naked at home.
  • 4% think that their home might be haunted.
Joyful home, joyful life. Life at Home Report 2023 image 1
To have the full Life at Home Report at your disposal, download it here and take your time to explore it in greater detail.

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